Watch The Series Below

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LASTING LEGACY FAITH – In this series we are learning how to make a difference on the next generation with the values that matter most. The three most famous are found in 1 Corinthians 13:13. “These things continue forever. [In other words these three values are eternal values. They’re going to last forever.] Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” We will teach about leaving a lasting legacy of generosity, faith, hope, love, joy, purpose and service.

This group of lessons includes a variety of topics that do not fit into one specific series catergory.  Join us online for this group of “Non-Series Sermons in 2025”.


LASTING LEGACY FINANCES – In this series we are learn how becoming generous put us into the best position to be blessed by God and expand his kingdom. We are learn to leave a legacy of grace and reap the rewards in the future.

We will be preaching through the book of Revelation Chapter by Chapter verse by verse.

We will be preaching on the SE7EN Churches of  Asia Minor from Revelation Chapters 2 & 3, and our fall term of Life Groups will be discussing the weekly messages.

In this sermon series, learn valuable lessons of from the life of Joseph as found in the Book of Genesis.

In this sermon series, learn valuable lessons of from the life of Jacob as found in the Book of Genesis.

In this sermon series, learn valuable lessons of from the life of Isaac as found in the Book of Genesis.

In this sermon series, learn valuable lessons of faith from the life of Abraham as found in the Book of Genesis.

In this sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, we will look at “The Last 24 Hours” in the life of Jesus Christ.

In this sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, we will look at what the term “All In” means as a Christian. 

In this sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, you will meet the Savior as he is born into this world. 

In this sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, you will discover simple “I Am” statements made by Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John.

Written by the wisest make who ever lived, Solomon, the book of Ecclesiastes, is literally a “Book about Nothing”.  But Pastor Darrin, how can you have a book about nothing?  Follow along on this weekly series to see what we mean.

In this sermon series from Pastor Darrin Miller, you will hear about the greatest stories ever told – the parables of Jesus. 

Pastor Darrin presents lessons from the book of James on Faith.

It’s time to IGNITE!

In this series from pastor Darrin Miller, we will meet the Savior of The World as he is brought into the world.

In this four-part sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, we will talk about lessons we learn from the Book of Jonah.

In this series from pastor Darrin Miller, learn more about finding Financial Freedom – God’s Way.

In this series from pastor Darrin Miller, learn more about the church.  Click the logo to view the series.

In this ten-part series from pastor Darrin Miller, you will discover God’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life!  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “This Is Jesus” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Expereincing God” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Transformed – How God Changes Us” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “One Another” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “GO” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Hard Sayings Of Jesus” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

On the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Darrin presents lessons on sayings that you hear regularly #OnlyAt Riverwoods.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Everyday Heros” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Identity” series.  Click the logo to view the series.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Worth It” series, which will focus on the superiority of Christ and how the Book of Hebrews was written to help us face trials. In the end, all who follow Christ will agree that he is worth following.

Listen to various guest speakers at Riverwoods Church.
Things I’ve Learned About God – Information coming soon!
During this “Character Sketches” series Pastor Darrin will be taking us on a tour of the Old Testament characters of Noah, Abraham, Deborah and Daniel. We will learn how to build our character as he examines traits of faith, obedience, courage and integrity.

Join us for a “Summer of Speakers”…  Join us for worship with a variety of speakers on different topics each week.

This teaching series “ Heart of Prayer” explores Jesus’s time of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, what can we learn about our Father in Heaven? Like Jesus, we are heirs of the Kingdom that awaits us when we have to put our faith in him. As Pastor Darrin explains, who we believe God to be will determine the quality of our prayer life.

In many ways, hymns are the oral history of our faith. Like the Psalms in Scripture, they are passed from generation to generation, sung in cathedrals, chapels, or around a family piano. Every generation has its anthems, and while we continue to sing to Him new songs to this day, sometimes the timeless music of our predecessors is just what the soul needs. This series will delve into history to take some of those classic, overlooked, or left-behind hymns and explore their meaning, breathing new life into their melodies to illuminate the hope they have for us today.  Each week of How Sweet the Sound will present a fresh, modern arrangement of a vintage hymn. Pastor Darrin will connect the meaning of the song to biblical truth and apply it to our everyday lives. Rest on a strength greater than our own. Find comfort in a love deeper than any sorrow. And when the silence comes after, listen for an amazing grace: How Sweet the Sound. Join us for a new series starting Easter weekend. Benton campus 9 & 10:30 and at our Murray campus 1 o’clock.

Pastor Darrin introduces the “Worth It” series, which will focus on the superiority of Christ and how the Book of Hebrews was written to help us face trials. In the end, all who follow Christ will agree that he is worth following.

Open heart surgery will help people continue to get the most out of everyday life.  Int his series, Pastor Darrin parallels the reality of open heart surgery with the process God wants each of us to experience in our spiritual lives.  Because when it comes to our true hearts, God wants to heal us so we can get the most out of life – here and forever!  Come join us at 9 or 10:30 in Benton or 1 o’clock in Murray.  Come get your heart exam, it’s FREE!

In this four-part sermon series from pastor Darrin Miller, you will discover simple daily steps they can take to get their spiritual life back on track.  You will discover some simple things that you can start doing to make sure that your morning gets started right, how to stay connected to God while at school, work or during the day, how you can find the energy you need to wrap up your day with God and not let your mental and physical exhaustion keep you from connecting with God one more time before you doze off, and how you can make Sunday a day of worship.  Who knows you just might get back on trac as you start 2019.