Men and women stand before a judge, time and time again, due to the fact that they have failed to make good choices. Riverwoods Recovery (RR) was birthed in the hearts of several people from Riverwoods Church and in our community that had a burden for those that are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. RR is a faith-based program that offers accountability laced with grace. Our hope is that when a client completes their term, they will leave with a fresh start, fulfilling the purpose intended for their life.
Tuesdays: Step Study and discussion.
Fridays: attendance is required at a Celebrate Recovery (CR) meeting that’s offered to anyone with any type of hurt, habit, or hang up. It be-gins with an open meeting and a lesson based on the twelve steps/eight principals, or a testi-mony from someone that has found healing and recovery through RR and CR.
Sundays: dedicated to worship either with Riverwoods Church or a preapproved place of worship. This gives our staff a chance to touch base with the clients at the end of the weekend.
What Clients Can Expect
- Both Small Group discussions and one on one support are key parts of the program.
- 24/7 support for clients provides round the clock assistance.
- Detailed weekly reporting to all appropriate Justice System Entities
- Random drug testing is an integral part of the program as well as after any missed sessions.
- Sponsorship and Accountability Partners are a must for recovery.
How We Get Our Clients
Riverwoods Recovery clients may enter the program through 4 avenues, all of which are voluntarily chosen even with a court order:
1. Bond Condition – court referral while out on bond . Not a set amount of time but at least 3 months, and continues till Revocation or Final Sentencing.
2. Final Sentencing – 9 month program can ordered either by the Judge or Probation & Parole.
3. Alternative Monitoring – Drug maintenance clinics can refer clients to us for weekly monitoring and accountability.
4. Voluntarily Enroll – A 9 month program often initiated or required by family members.